On Feb. 28 and Feb. 29 QAI’s Digital Innovation Center was open for 90-minute sessions where several agencies walked through the process of how to operationalize the new NARA digitization guidelines. Representatives from GSA and NARA were on-hand at the event to offer insight and answer questions. 

Attendees had the opportunity to speak with digitization and FADGI experts, see demonstrations of the FADGI testing and calibration process, connect with leading manufacturers of FADGI capable scanners, and strategize on how their agency will meet the new requirements with M-23-07 consultants/advisors.

If would like more info on how we can help your agency, please contact John Burgess (jburgess@Qualityassociatesinc.com) or Doug Yates (dyates@Qualityassociatesinc.com).
Or call our office at 410-884-9100. 

MICHAEL HORSLEY Electronic Records Policy Analyst at NARA

MATT MASTRONARDO Program Manager for
General Services Administration (GSA) 
ARIAN RAVANBAKHSH Supervisory Electronic Records Management Policy Analyst at NARA